The act of bullying rocks into thinking
My programming journey started pretty early on. I think I was like what... maybe 8 years old? Yeah, that's how old I was when I found that book in the attic. It was called something along the lines of Basic For Beginners I think. And then I found this program on my old Windows 95 machine (assuming you use Windows 11, that's 84 installments ahead of you) called QBASIC.
It wasn't too long before I started screaming “Mom! Mom! Look! I make silly white box calculate surface area!“ And she was all like “Holly shit! Bravo son! Now I am 100% sure that dad should've pulled out!“
Those inspiring words would only make my interest for computers grow and so my journey through the world of computing would begin!
We will NOT talk about C*****T
During my teens I played a lot of video games on my PC, PlayStation and Nintendo Wii. Naturally, at some point I wanted to learn to make video games. That was one of many driving forces that pushed me to learn to code.
Game development is a daunting task and while I didn't release any games (officially) it got a non negligible amount of experience in a wide variety of programming disciplines and art software.
From programming tools to art programs I was rapidly gaining knowledge. Becoming a little jack of all traits.
Languages / Technologies
During my learning, experimentation, work or whatever else, I've utilized many tools. Here's a non exhaustive list of programming languages, technologies and services I had pleasure (or displeasure) working with (or against).
Programming Languages
Libraries / Frameworks
Tools / Services
Noteworthy Projects
During my lifespan I've worked on many projects. Some personal, some commercial and some open source. The best way to get an idea of what I worked on is to check out my GitHub account. Check the pinned repositories on my profile.